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the MEGA Way

Become a STAR 
At our Enterprise our Clients, Coachees, Patients, Families, are called STARS.  We believe that every STAR have the power to shine bright, no matter how dim or dull the situation may seem.
With our STARS in Mind, we designed products, services, and events that are geared towards Health, Finance, Career, Relationships, Faith, Business, and Life in general. 

Through Dr. Carolyn's research and decades of experience, she discovered the breakthrough formula of renewing the mind, transformation and healing 


We can help you manifest the life you envision

Take a tour of our virtual home and invest in what is best for you

We look forward to your Transformation

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“What you reveal you heal,
as exposure brings closure” 

Dr. Carolyn G. Anderson

new releasE

21 DAY mindhealth maSTERCLASS
The MiND is Your Money
The MiND is Your LiFE
The MiND is Your Health
The MiND Controls Everything 
She used her MiND to HEAL her BRAIN and BODY

BRAND NEW RELEASE!! Self Paced 21 Day MindHealth MasterClass for just 21 minutes per day. 


Dr. Carolyn (Double Board Certified Holistic, Natural and Alternative Medicine Practitioner) present Mastering The Mind Masterclass, where she will be the LifeCoach guiding you, the STARS on the Neuromente Formula (the process of renewing & creating a new Mind).  This MASTERCLASS is filled with 21 Minutes of Daily Audio/Video TRANSFORMATION sessions with MindHealth Formula. 


Everything in life starts in the Mind, yet it is the most under-researched, mis-understood phenomenon.  This is partly because the Mind cannot be seen. It is a spiritual being, and is very difficult to understand, because no two (2) minds are alike. 


There are no scans to look at the Mind. No medicine to take and no immunization available to avoid mental mistakes and toxic thinking.  The Mind is the driving force behind our thoughts, feelings and actions.  The Mind controls the brain and the brain controls the body, so the mind controls everything! 


The Mind is responsible for our Healing, Recovery, Money, Relationships and everything...


So how is one suppose to live, feel, think, and be, if the Mind is not understood or transformed? 



Neuromente Formula™️ 

What to EXPECT!

21 Days of Mind Renewal Power Sessions with Dr. Carolyn
The Orange Julia Butterfly Transformation Process

What it really mean to GO GREEN 

The 4 Colors primary colors in the Brain and their meanings

Apply mindfulness strategies  

SURPRISES...21 Stars (Investors) will get a surprise opportunity to be invited to a special group sessions with Dr. Carolyn (live). Opportunity to appear on the Dr. Carolyn Show (will be selected from the pool of registrants) 

Be the first to go through the MIND RENEWAL PROCESS

Learn about Broken Heart Attack (BHA) and the Broken Heart Syndrome (BHS)

Find out why the Mind is so important and how to know your life's purpose  

Explore Mental & Emotional Concussions (MEC)

Learn about the three (3) types of Mental Health 

Unexplained illnesses revealed

Learn about shifting your thoughts 

Apply mindsets that are right for you 

Heal your mind and body 

Eliminate toxic thoughts and trigger points and much more.., 

August 2021,  Dr. Carolyn was rushed to the ER, NOT ALL THE WAY CONSCIOUS, NOT FULLY IN her RIGHT MIND. She experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE) and pretty much died and was brought back to life.  The days in the hospital would forever change her life. Some call it a miracle, others that it's impossible, but she's here to tell the story of using her mind to heal and the revolutionary formula she discovered and amplified during the process.  Read more....



  1. Make a Decision (Decide it's your time and you're in)

  2. Act on the Decision (Invest)

  3. Finish Strong  (Go through the MASTERCLASS)

Dr. Carolyn's Interview with Patrick Snow on how she used her Mind to Heal her Body
You Got This!!


The season has change and transformation is in the air. No matter what stage of life you are in, you have a unique purpose that ONLY you alone can fulfill and today we celebrate you as you prepare to make a decision and transform your day at a time.


Butterflies are symbolic creatures that hold different meaning transcending all religion, cultures and spiritualities. Most often the butterfly is associated with endurance, hope, and most importantly CHANGE. The Orange Julia's Butterfly is no different. It's foundation is built on TRANSFORMATION. ....retrieved 21 Jun 2024,


There are about eight (8) different types of butterfly species and it's interesting that the Orange Julia is the only specie that takes 21 days from the Egg Stage to The Chrysalis Stage, and then another 21 days for Adult Stage (butterfly).  None of the stages can be hastened otherwise it will not become an adult butterfly.


The same is true in life. Change is a process, renewing the mind is a process, wellness is a process, weight loss or gain is a process, having healthy relationships is a process, being debt free is a in general is a process.


According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, it takes at least 21 days for a change to begin. If a person would like to change which foot of shoe they put on first each day, it will take 21 days of intentionally putting it on the other foot for a new behavior to begin.


IN THIS BRAND NEW RELEASE, Dr. Carolyn will be taking the Stars (you) on a (2) 21 day MiNDHealth™️ Journey that follows the Orange Julia Butterfly transformation process and The Neuromente Formula™️.


Over the course of 21 days Dr. Carolyn will be guiding you through the process of change by focusing on MindHealth.



After her death day on August 20, 2021 and her rebirth DAY on August 28, 2021, she took three (3) years to recover, to heal, to master her mind, master the process of transformation, renewing the mind, creating a new mind and to trademark The Neuromente Formula™️.  We celebrate your transformational journey with you.   

The MindHealth Masterclass is exclusively designed for you.  Do us a favor please: Are you register, please share the with friends, family and your social media connections, as you might be the key to changing their life.  We've heard so many stories of people browsing social spaces or receiving a phone call, and it was exactly what they were praying for.  You could be the ANSWER to a prayer.  


Dr. Carolyn is a Board Certified Alternative Medicine Practitioner and Holistic Medicine Practitioner and focuses on Natural & Holistic Medicine and MiNDHealth™️. She also have several Doctorate and Master's Degrees, including DMin, Phd, MDiv, DNM, and more.

She's been providing private concierge services to pro athletes, practitioners, professionals and hosting private VIP events and saving lives.  Now, the wait is over, it's time to extend the VIP MASTERCLASS to the MASSES.

Thank you and welcome to doing life with us. 



What  is  MindHealth  Coaching?

MindHealth Coaching is basically like Therapy & Counseling, but to a whole new level. The  MiND  controls  the  Brain  and  the  Brain  controls  the  Body, therefore  the  MiND  controls  everything.   Our  services  takes  into  consideration  the  whole  person  (mind  and  body)  

We don't go by just book knowledge but incorporate what we believe is best, which may include, Bio/Neuro Feedback, BrainTap, Talk Therapy, Massage Therapy, Hypnotherapy, MindMapping, BreathingTherapy, Escape Room, and events for safe space

Coaching  provides  more  flexibility  in  the services  we  provide  since  no  two  (2)  MiNDS  are  alike.  What  may  work  for one  person,  may  not  work  for  another.  Coaching  is  also  very  effective  in  the healing, transformation and restoration process   

With  Coaching  we  have  an abundance  of  different  approaches  that  we  use  to  get  to  the  end  result, such  as Brain-tap,  MindMapping,  Mental  Pulse  Checks,  ejecting  the  pass,  Neuroplasticity  Mindset,  identifying  root  causes,  Mindfullness, Trauma  Talks,  and  so  much  more.  

We  provide  therapeutic  &  counseling  services  from  a  coaching  perspective. All our  services are  built on  the  framework  of  the  MiND  & MiNDSETS.

To schedule an initial consultation, book online
A consultation is required  before booking a session.  

No events at the moment

ReSet -ReNew -ReBirth Tour

A Fundraising Event for Advanced Research in the Mind-Brain-Body Connectivity and Recovery 

2025 WORLD TOUR is here

Dr. Carolyn & The Elite Team will be on TOUR with her CUTTING EDGE Breakthrough Formula

& EVIDENCED based research on the MiND


Join her live at one of the Tour Stops and be one of the first to hear how she used her MiND to HEAL her BRAIN and BODY 

How Death Saved Her LiFE

"The Mind is the Gateway to Health & Prosperity" Dr. Carolyn G. Anderson 


For years the focus has been on the Brain and not much has been researched with proven REULTS about the Mind, until NOW! There's a saying, that the Mind is a terrible thing to waste, and that is so true.

The Mind that cannot be seen is the "key" to living a healthy life and staying sane in a chaotic world.  


"The Mind controls the Brain and the Brain controls the Body, so the Mind controls EVERYTHING!"

Introduction to:

The MiND & Body Connection

The MiND & Mental Wellbeing

The MiND & Covid

The MiND & Diseases

The MiND & Money

The MiND & Memory

The MiND & The New PTSD

The MiND & D.e.a.D

The Mind & P.P.T.S.D

The MiND versus the Brain AND MUCH MORE...

Products & Courses

Garden Path

Featured Product

The re-set back to the garden series 

The Mind controls the brain and the brain controls the body, which means that the Mind really controls everything and it’s in the Mind that the Trauma is housed.


On 8.20.2021 Dr. Carolyn was rushed to the ER. She experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE) and pretty much died and was brought back to life. She spent 6 days in the hospital like the 6 days of creation. She was released on the 7th day and started a new life on 8/28.

During the hospitalization and encounter in the Garden of Eden, she got to experience what life would have been like before the fall. She's finally revealing how to activate and LIVE the supernatural Garden life.  She also discovered a breakthrough formula of renewing the mind (Neuomega™️) and much more...

This is a 3 part series, with in depth deep dive about the following:
1. The Hebrew Book of Bereisheet (aka Genesis) Chapters 1,2,3 in great details verse by verse with revelatory meanings about Health, Food, Life, Power & Purpose of a Woman and a Man.
2. The Process of the RESET
3. Activate your healing and live the Reset life

...Get Series Here

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August 2021,  Dr. Carolyn was rushed to the ER, NOT ALL THE WAY CONSCIOUS, NOT FULLY IN her RIGHT MIND. She experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), she died and was brought back to life. 

The days in the hospital would forever change her life and the story is finally being told.

Some call it a miracle, others that it's impossible, but she's here to tell the story of using her MiND to heal, restore her MEMORY, and the revolutionary formula she discovered, TRADEMARKED and amplified over the last three (3) years.  




Through research, writing, and speaking, Dr. Carolyn has been able to arouse passion in people and empower audiences to take action.  We invite our STARS to join us, as we lead them through her BREAKTHROUGH Formula and Techniques that has raised her from the dead.  The Mind truly is a terrible thing to waste, so don't waste it. Invest in products and services that goes deep into the thought process of Dr. Carolyn's Mind Breaking Strategies. 

Our Thoughts are a Language of the Brain and our Feelings are a Language of the Body


Where most people get stuck is in their thought process.  They want to change, but are thinking about the change.  They want better relationships, debt free strategies, true connection, prosperity and the like, but it remains a thought.  This means it’s all stuck in your head.  No true change will ever happen by thinking about it. Change is doing something about it and this is the connection between Mind and Body.  Let it not just be a thought, or just a feeling, put the two together and use the Transformational Tools at our Enterprise to guide you on the Journey. To create a state of being both Mind and Body must work in concert and ONLY you have the power to create that mindset and allowing us to be a part of the ever evolving you...Continue Reading 

Brain Scan

Signature Product

PTSD versus The New PTSD Course 

The Mind controls the brain and the brain controls the body, which means that the Mind really controls everything and it’s in the Mind that the Trauma is housed. Dr. Carolyn has been studying and implementing her Mind Mapping techniques for a long time and in her most recent Near Death Experience (NDE), she discovered a breakthrough formula of how to renew the mind and heal from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

PTSD versus the New PTSD Course describes the new innovative approach to overcoming trauma, pain, brokenness, emotional concussions and more. This course does not just share about PTSD from a theoretical perspective but from experience.


It is not just the post factors that are causing the problems, it is so much more.  Dr. Carolyn was able to discover a missing element of Trauma that has gone unnoticed for years and finally revealed...Get Course Here




What is the MEGA? 


It's Making Everyday Good Again 

It's being Intentional about making the day good regardless of what happens

It's about loving one's self and not tolerating foolishness

It's about choosing to be happy

It's about shifting the thoughts and shutting down limiting voices

It's about expanding and reaching the highest heights

It's about leading when you don't feel like it

It's about setting boundaries to live a peaceful life

It's about enjoying everyday 

It's about living life fully everyday 

It's about being healthy and overcoming challenges

It's about a state of mind that has to be created